Nobue Takahashi Art
Watercolor, Gouache Painting
Life Drawing
Patina Paint
Work experience
Zoological Illustrator
2010 - present
Freelance illustrator for New York City wildlife conservation facilities include the Central Park Zoo,Prospect Park Zoo and Queens Zoo.
Responsible for the creation of more than 250 hand-painted illustrations in watercolor and gouache of animals in the zoos. The illustrations consisted of detailed depictions of the animals, sometimes with groups, in their natural habitat in series. The original artwork would be enlarged and painted full display on posters banners, murals, and frequently on description placards located throughout the zoos for visual display and public information. Though research I have obtained in depth knowledge of animals and the process behind image to consumer relationship.
Mural illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
July 2019-Jan.2020
Presented five kinds of baboons :
Chacma baboon, Guinea baboon, Olive baboon, Yellow baboon, Hamadryas baboon.
Bird ID illustrations for Central Park Zoo
Three color illustrations for Bird ID
Bird ID illustrations for Central Park Zoo
Ten color illustrations for Bird ID
Rotunda Panel illustrations for Prospect park Zoo
Three color illustrations for Wreathed Hornbills
Bird ID illustrations for Central Park Zoo
Four color illustrations for Bird ID
Rotunda Panel illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Three color illustrations for Geoffrey Tamarin
Rotunda panel illustrations for Prospect park zoo
Two color illustrations for Saki
Bird illustrations for Web site
Two color illustration for Bird
Rotund panel illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Five color illustrations for Hornbill and background scenery
Animal ID panel illustration for Queens Zoo
Three color illustrations for Bisons and background scenery
Animal ID panel illustration for Queens Zoo
May 2014
Illustration for Andean Bear with landscape
Animal ID illustration for Queens Zoo
Illustration for Andean Bear
Animal ID panel illustrations for Queens Zoo
Two color illustrations for Sandhill Cranes and background scenery
Animal ID illustrations for Queens Zoo
Three color illustrations for Two toes Boar
Large Mural illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Two illustrations for baboons and background scenery
Window graphics for Prospect Park Zoo
Ten illustrations for Baboons
Console illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Three Illustrations for Baboons
Rotund panel illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Three illustrations for fish in flooded forest and colored background scenery
Rotund panel illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Two color illustrations for Green Iguana and colored background scenery
Rotund panel illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Two illustrations forWhite faced Owl and colored background scenery
Rotund panel illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Two illustrations for Lettered Aracari and landscape
Animal ID illustrations for Prospect Park Zoo
Three illustrations for Snakes
Aviary panel illustration for Queens Zoo
Nine colored illustrations of local birds
Animal graphic panel for Queens Zoo
Seven color illustrations for horses
2010 - present
2010 - present
Kuwazawa Design School, Tokyo, Japan
Product Design Associate Degree
Art Student League, New York City